Our quest for happiness is eternal. That’s why we never end our search for happiness no matter how hard the obstacles seem or how infinitely far our happiness goals appear to be. This is the essence of the human spirit, and we should all be proud of it. But quite often, in our search for happiness, we think big and get lost in profundities, and then we lose our way. What do we do wrong? Well, we overlook the simpler ways to be happy. The truth is, some simple ways are all one needs to make a profound impact on our lives. Want to know what these ways are? Here are 10 simple ways to be happier.
1. Give sleep a priority.
In a world that thrives on aspiration and hard work, the one critical aspect of everyday life that suffers is sleep. So many people now sleep six hours or less every night, opening themselves up to a whole host of negative effects, like becoming a permanent magnet to common cold and cough, and suffering from a poorer ability to recollect memories. To be happier, you should sleep and wake up at around the same time every day and give yourself at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
2. Shake up your body for at least 10 minutes every day.
We say “shake up your body” and not exercise because it’s okay if you don’t do the latter. What you need to do is get your heart rate pumping (to an acceptable level) and sweat your weary self off. So if it means dance or acrobatics, so be it. If you do want to workout but don’t know where to start and don’t have much time, check the 7-minute workout published in New York Times. Regular exercise helps you relax, improves your brain power, and makes you feel good about your body.
3. Spend more time with friends and family.
Harvard happiness expert Daniel Gilbert said it well: “We are happy when we have family, we are happy when we have friends and almost all the other things we think make us happy are actually just ways of getting more family and friends.” This explains why not spending enough time with friends and family is one of the top five regrets of the dying. Think back to moments in your life that you’d qualify as happy; you’d find most of them marked by the presence of certain special people in your life.
Image Source: Cox & Kings
4. Get outside more regularly.
A study conducted jointly by the University of Sussex and London School of Economics concluded that people were much happier outdoors than anywhere else, with the top honors going to marine or coastal locations, followed by mountains, forests, and farms. Stepping outdoors for a while, say for 20 minutes, can improve your mood, improve your working memory, and broaden your thinking. These factors create the right conditions for you to be happy.
5. Be of service to others often.
Chasing after success relentlessly makes us think about ourselves too frequently. We keep trying to evaluate our present situation and determine how far we’ve come along on our path to success, which gives rise to fear and worry. Instead of staying locked into yourself, take time out regularly to go beyond yourself and help others. It could involve bringing a smile on your sad friend’s face or volunteering your time and energy at a social camp; if you can help others often, you’ll experience a higher and lasting stream of happiness in your life.
6. Take a break from work and travel.
All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl. Sticking to a daily routine makes life boring and monotonous, as a result of which, you start feeling demotivated and unhappy. What’s necessary for happiness is to break away from this routinized work and a vacation somewhere far from where you live. Apart from the obvious joy that comes from travelling, planning for a vacation will boost your happiness, as a study has shown. Anticipation for the trip creates that sense of joy and excitement, and it triggers happiness within.
7. Practice gratitude.
You are who you are today because of the contribution of many different people in your life — from your dad and mom to the house help to that one uncle who met you occasionally but proffered pearls of wisdom that have always benefitted you. If you acknowledge their contribution and have a sense of gratitude for them, you’ll create a strong foundation for happiness in your life. Either maintain a gratitude journal, write thank you letters, or say thank you to people on meeting them.
Image Source: Tetra Images – Jamie Grill/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images, via Ask
8. Unplug from technology every day.
Technology has climbed into our lives like creepers on adjacent walls. As much as they’ve simplified our lives and made things convenient for us, they’ve also become a source of misery and disarray. Most people hold brightly lit smartphones in their hands all through the night till they fall asleep or keep texting and updating statuses when they should be interacting with the people sitting before them. You should fight this behavior and unplug from technology at least a couple of times a day for significant periods of time. That’ll relax your mind and improve your mood, among other benefits.
9. Take time out for your interests.
Sure, work does take up most of the day for most people. But that’s still not a reason enough to compromise on your personal interests and hobbies. Your interests are what fuel you; your love for playing the guitar, for the game of football, for arthouse films, and so on, are what drive your existence. If you stop engaging in them, you’ll feel empty and hollow from the inside. For more happiness, especially from within, you should take time out to engage in your personal hobbies.
10. Accept yourself the way you are.
Most of our misery comes from our perception of ourselves. We may have done some things in the past that we aren’t proud of, and regret having done them. Maybe we had an idea of how we wanted our lives to turn out, but it turned out altogether different now, and you hate it. Whatever the unhappiness you feel from inside, try to find out where it comes from. Nine out of ten times, you’ll find that source within, someplace where you’re unwilling to accept yourself wholeheartedly. That’s a good starting point for you to start feeling better about yourself and take positive steps towards happiness.