14 Joys Of Being A Woman


Being a woman is awesome! Despite some negative factors it comes with, there are way more positive points of carrying the XX chromosomes. Women are better managers, and people can rely on them since they tend to be more trustworthy than men.

Although men have some plus points too, here are fourteen joys only a woman gets to experience— the joys of being a woman that make her better than men:

1. They make better managers.

Be it managing a household, an entire office or both simultaneously; women are great at it. They tend to evaluate problems better and listen to people before taking crucial decisions. Most of them make great problem solvers, listeners and are likely to be liked by more people compared to their male counterparts.

2. They generally have great communication skills.

Most women tend to be great communicators. No matter how awkward the situation is, women know how to talk it out and solve the problems. In fact, their effective communication skills make them great at bargaining as well, which is a superpower in itself.

3. They get to choose from a wide variety of clothes and accessories.

When it comes to clothes, accessories and looks to choose from, women definitely have a better set of choices than men. While formals usually mean tuxedos and jackets for men, for women it can be anything from a designer one-piece or a formal suit to a formal skirt & blouse and so on.

4. They have a better memory.

It has been scientifically proven that women are better at remembering things than men. For instance, a woman is more likely to remember the reason for an argument and other significant and insignificant details related to the incident. Their excellent organizational skills also contribute to their great memory. They usually set reminders and alarms that help them remember stuff.

joys of being a woman
Image Source: 99 Volo

5. They have lesser chances of going bald than men.

This point doesn’t need a proof since we all have enough real examples around us. Women hardly face the issue of baldness, while men are more vulnerable to losing hair due to stress or genetic reasons. Thus, women have longer and better hair and numerous hairstyle options to choose from.

6. Their best friends include wine and chocolates.

Although women tend to be more emotional than men, they also know how to get a grip on them. If nothing works in their favor, chocolates and wine tend to be their best friends. Even on a usual day, one glass of wine is just the right fix to a woman’s mood and all that’s required to charge her up, emotionally.

7. They bargain better.

Better bargaining skills come naturally to women. They know exactly what to say to change the shopkeeper’s mind and eventually the price tag. Men are less likely to get the joy that comes from buying something at a cost that’s much lower than the actual price, but it sure makes women ecstatic.

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Image Source: Trendy Feeds

8. They live longer.

It’s a scientifically proven fact that women tend to live longer than men; sometimes the margin can be as significant as ten years. While men enjoy a particular set of physical advantages over women, the ladies still tend to outlive them. After all, it’s all about survival of the fittest.

9. They have higher chances of surviving a severe accident.

Men are at a higher risk when it comes to surviving a serious car accident. It’s not due to some set of superpowers that women possess, and men don’t; it’s all because women are less likely to over-speed, jump a signal and more liable to follow the safety regulations compared to men.

10. They are better learners.

Be it new languages or new concepts in class, women tend to be better and quicker learners as compared to men. It’s not because women have more grey matter compared to men, it’s all because women usually attend more classes, make regular notes and pay more attention. These are the reasons they tend to score better than men.

11. They tend to be smarter.

Multiple studies have shown that women are smarter than men. Although we often think that a person’s smartness boils down to their IQ levels, there’s much more to it than that. Their exceptionally well problem-solving skills and better EQ provide them an edge over men.

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Image Source: Gainsville Scene

12. They are great at offering advice.

Thanks to their better analytical and listening skills, women tend to be great at offering advice. Since they have some abundant reserves of patience, women can act as your support system and provide you the best comforting advice. If you have a female best friend, you’re lucky.

13. They evolve hotter.

Their hotness quotient is quite high compared to men because of their healthy lifestyles and food choices. They have better control over their alcohol intake as well that makes a huge difference to their health and body. If they see a regular skin rash, they try everything possible to get rid of it, unlike men, who take such things lightly.

14. They are better investors.

Thanks to their habit of paying attention to detail and their great analytical skills, women tend to be better investors as compared to men. They’re better at analyzing all the risks involved and believe in taking calculated risks instead of some impulsive, impractical decisions.