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15 Body Language Tricks That Will Instantly Make You Likable

make you likeable

We focus so much on speaking well during our interactions with other people that we forget the all-important non-verbal communication. It’s frequently cited that non-verbal communication accounts for over 90% of all communication. If that’s the kind of power it holds in our interactions with others, surely it can be used to shape other people’s perceptions of us. And what’s better than making everyone like us?

If you wish to be perceived as likable wherever you go, try these 15 body language tricks that are bound to work wonders on other people.

1. Project confidence. When you project confidence, you seem secure and self-assured, which is an attractive quality to possess. To feel and appear confident, wear outfits that suit you, smell good, look sharp, and have a jump in your step.

2. Be friendly and approachable. The more people think that they can come talk to you without hesitating, the more likable you’ll appear to them, and others. Turn off unnecessary attitude and keep things real and genuine.

3. Maintain an upright but relaxed posture. Don’t slouch. It’s perceived a sign of insecurity. Keep your shoulders nice and tall. But don’t be unusually erect. It’ll appear odd to everyone around you.

4. Keep your back naturally erect while sitting. The same principle applies while sitting. You might have the tendency to hunch over while you’re at your desk. Correct your posture by sitting upright, but not too erect.

5. Delay your smile by a fraction. Don’t smile automatically as you maneuver a crowd or meet a person. The smile might not come across as authentic. Instead, delay your smile by a fraction and then smile wide like you mean it.

6. Maintain eye contact. You may have heard this rule since when you were little. Maintaining eye contact is a sign of an open and positive attitude. Makes you look like you’re fully engaged in your interaction with the other person.

Image Source: The Gaia Health Blog

7. Give a firm but gentle handshake. Nothing seems more off-putting then a dead fish handshake during a first interaction; it’s too lazy. A firm and gentle handshake asserts a level of commitment on your part, which is attractive.

8. Open up your stance. Being in an open stance makes it seem like you’re open, trusting, and comfortable in the interaction, which then translates to the other person. A closed stance makes it seem like you’re unsure or hiding something.

9. Turn your body fully towards the other person. As part of having an open stance, point your body towards the other person. It shows that you’re open and secure, and can be trusted. Angling away would signify the opposite.

10. Avoid fidgeting around. Fidgeting, squirming, twitching too much, or frequently moving your hands about your face, can make you seem anxious or disinterested. Try to keep still and focused on the other person to build likability.

11. Use your hands naturally. It’s natural to move your hands while talking to another person. It creates a sense of ease among the people in a conversation and also helps you power up your thinking. Get your body moving to your speech.

12. Keep your hands off your face. When you put your hands anywhere near your face, you seem anxious or nervous, which creates an atmosphere of mistrust. Just keep your hands off your face, hold a steady gaze, and smile.

Image Source: The Huffington Post

13. Nod your head in your interactions. Nodding your head as you speak makes it seem like what you’re saying is true. Your sense of affirmation will be then be mirrored by the other person as well, creating a positive interaction.

14. Embrace the power of touch. In a social setting, like a party, use the power of touch to break down walls and build trust and comfort. But be careful; a touch could also be perceived as flirting, so you’ve got to make the right moves.

15. Give people your full attention. Very few things in an interaction are more endearing than having someone’s full attention. You feel like you’re being heard, and that creates the possibility for building an excellent connection.

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