6 Creative Ways To Kill Boredom At Your Workplace


No matter how much you love your work, there are times during the day when you feel like taking a break. This is when you feel like relaxing for a bit and start thinking of ways to kill your boredom. Since the chances of you being surrounded by fun people are quite thin, it’s you who has to think of creative ways to entertain yourself.

If you’re bored to the core, your productivity is at a higher risk of experiencing a decline compared to the time you’re all charged up and focused on work. Instead of letting boredom affect your productivity, getting rid of it is a better idea. Here are six creative ways to kill boredom at your workplace:

1. Tune into your favorite playlist.

No matter what the situation is, music always acts as your biggest savior. Make a playlist of your favorite songs or listen to the latest jukebox albums online. It will help you focus better and will also assist you in killing boredom. You could also make a playlist according to your current mood and let those songs act as a mood enhancer for you.

Image Source: Pexels

2. Take quick power naps.

Sleep is something we all love and crave for. Especially when we see a pile of files on our work desk, the first thing we think about is— taking a nap. That’s when thoughts like what will my boss think of me start crossing our minds. If you feel fully bored and keep yawning or staring blankly at the walls, your boss is not going to like that either. So, it’s better that you take a quick, timed power nap and get up fresh and charged up to work.

Image Source: Independent

3. Exchange your to-do list with a colleague.

Exchanging your to-do list with a colleague can turn out to be a fun experience for both of you. All you need to ensure before taking this brave step is that both you and your colleague must be able to handle each other’s work. The work shouldn’t get affected, whatsoever. If done with the right person, this activity will not only kill your boredom; it’ll also bring a fresh change in your work.

Image Source: Grant Cardone TV

4. Play your favorite online game.

If you’re just sitting and feeling incredibly bored, take some time out and play you favorite online game. Since these games tend to be highly addictive, you need to keep a check on the clock simultaneously as well. Apart from helping you kill boredom, these games can also sharpen your focus and keep you charged up.

Image Source: The Guardian

5. Work from an unusual spot.

If you’re extremely bored and can’t think of anything that can help you fight this boredom, change your workstation. Move to an unusual spot that’s away from your usual work desk. It’ll be a great change for you, and sometimes a little change in the work environment is all you need to fight boredom and stay focused on work. You could move to a cozy bean bag in your cafeteria or even on the roof. As long as you’ve internet connectivity and all the necessary files, any spot should work.

Image Source: Business Collective

6. Spend some time playing Foosball or Table Tennis.

Every office these days has a provision for some fun indoor games where employees can play and de-stress themselves. Since you can’t play these games alone, you need to designate a game time jointly and take a few colleagues along to play. These games not only help you kill boredom, but they also teach you the value of teamwork and participation.

Image Source: Condeco Software