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7 Ab Exercises for Women

We all want a perfect waistline with no bulges and love handles. What stops us from getting it?A little bit of laziness and our love for junk. It’s important to build up your core for overall health and wellness. Let’s start working out and get you those abs. You might need some extra strength and dedication when you start out.

1. Surya Namaskar

Yoga has a pose for working on all your body parts. The Surya Namaskar is the ultimate workout as it engages different parts of the body. Be careful while performing it so that you don’t stretch any muscle.

2. Leg Lift

Lie down on the floor, support your neck with your hands and lift it. The starting pose is to raise your legs at about 30 degrees and from there lift them up to about 6-12 inches and bring back to the starting position. Repeat with a set of 10 lifts.

3. Bicycle Crunches

Lie down with your back straight on the floor and hand behind the head. Start with the right leg and raise it at 45 degrees angle. Now get the left knee close to your chest, and bring the right elbow towards the knee by moving your body to the left. Switch the legs after 10 repeats.

4. Double Crunch

Lie on the floor with your arms and legs at 90 degrees. Now try and touch your toes with your finger tips. Return to original position and touch again.

5. Boat Pose

Moving back to yoga, next is the boat pose. For this you need to sit with your legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees and try and straighten your knees as much as possible. Raise your hands and keep them parallel to each other. Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds and slowly with practice try and increase the time.

6. Push Ups

Simple old push ups are very helpful to work on the abs.

7. Planking Frog

Start in the push-up position, now bring your left leg next to your right hand. Now hold the position and go back to the original pose. Repeat with left leg.

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