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7 Things That Will Make People Like You

Some people admit to wanting to be liked — quite a likable quality in itself and in stark contrast with people who say they don’t care about being liked. Who doesn’t want to be liked after all? It’s most natural, and completely harmless, no matter how it’s usually perceived. (Unless of course, you cross the line in an attempt to make people like you. Not a good idea.)

So if you’re clear about the fact that you want to be liked, congrats — you’re already on your way. Now, let’s look at 7 important things that’ll make you more likable to others.

1. Being interested in other people

The simplest way to get people to like you is to be interested in them. Listen to what they have to say and show your interest in their lives by asking them several different questions. They’ll feel glad they got to talk about themselves so openly with you and they’ll thank you for making it happen.

2. Being funny (but not excessively so)

Everybody loves a comedian. Cracking jokes and making funny remarks obviously makes people laugh and lightens everyone’s moods, but more importantly, it helps people break barriers and allows them to let their guard down. This makes them feel comfortable around you.

3. Using your body language well

Over 90% of our communication occurs through our non-verbal cues. So we should wear a likable body language if we wish to be liked. For instance, keep an open stance, stand upright, make eye contact, smile a lot, face the people you’re interacting with openly, and project confidence. This will make you attractive naturally.

4. Expressing energy and enthusiasm

Do you prefer being around dull and morose people? Or would you rather spend your time around energetic and enthusiastic people? That’s the same exact choice others would make too. So if you want to be liked, you’ll have to carry a certain amount of energy and enthusiasm — it’s an attractive quality.

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5. Looking and smelling good

Good looks naturally attract people. And after the attraction stage, when they’re near you, they don’t want to be put off by bad smell. Hygiene in such forms as clean teeth, neatly cut nails, and shampooed hair is critical if you want people to like being around you. Also, wear nice clothes, not flashy or expensive. Try the classic outfits since they’re timeless in appeal.

6. Giving compliments generously

It’s strange to think that we give and receive so few compliments in our everyday life. All of us make the effort from time to time to do that little extra, like dress stylishly, look more attractive, speak more fluently, help others quietly; yet all of it goes seemingly unnoticed. Recognize that little extra effort someone puts and give them compliments to enjoy instant likability.

7. Admitting to your weaknesses

Admitting to your weaknesses makes you more likable. It’s an endearing quality since you’re essentially saying: ‘I’m not perfect, I’m just a work in progress, and that’s okay’. Accepting yourself the way you are makes you likable. But acceptance doesn’t mean telling everyone your problems or playing the victim; that’ll diminish your likability in no time.

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