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8 Things To Remember When You’re Feeling Down

When you feel down and out, there’s a tendency to think that you’ll never recover. It’s just how you feel when you’re low. In these times, you should have a conversation with yourself and remember certain truths of life that you’ve forgotten at the moment. This will get you feeling better soon enough. Here are 8 things to remember when you’re feeling down.

1. There’s always a next time. If right now it seems like there isn’t one in the future, wait for your mind to clear up so you can see it. And if you can’t see it, create one.

2. You’ve been strong in the past, you can be strong now. Think about all the times in the past when you used your emotional strength to overcome tough obstacles.

3. Happiness and peace of mind are a choice, and you can make that choice now. Don’t wait for the right conditions. The right time and conditions are now.

Image Source: Happier

4. There are people in this world who love you and care about you. Think about them and how they’ve supported you over the years. You’ll already begin to feel lucky.

5. Whatever others think or say about you, the reality is often altogether different. People have the habit of judging and assigning labels, but don’t believe or get bogged down by them.

6. When you’ve hit rock bottom, things can only go upwards from there. That’s the good thing about a terrible situation. Anything that happens from there will only be good.

Image Source: Disability Health

7. You’ll feel up sometimes and down at other times, and that’s perfectly okay. That’s the natural progression of life. The more openly you accept it, the more better you’ll feel.

8. You’re awesome, and you shouldn’t ever forget that. Remember everything you’ve gone through up until this point. You’ve been a champion — and that’s your identity forever.

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