8 Yoga Poses To Open Your Heart


yoga poses

Yoga has the power to transform you, both physically and mentally. If you practice yoga daily, you don’t need to waste money on an expensive gym membership. With a vast variety of asanas, yoga provides a holistic solution for every health problem.

Though it might not be the ultimate high energy, intense fat-burning workout, practicing it daily helps shed kilos and keep you fit overall. Here are eight yoga poses to open your heart:

1. The Bridge Pose — Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Benefits: It’s one of the best stretching exercises for hips, neck, spine and chest. It helps control your nervous system and helps fight depression. The bridge pose is especially effective for women going through menopause.

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Image Source: About Yoga

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2. The Wild Thing Pose — Camatkarasana

Benefits: It helps build your strength by opening up your chest, lungs, and shoulder areas. It helps fight mild depression and makes you more flexible.

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Image Source: Jessica Jacobi

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3. The Wheel Pose — Urdhva Dhanurasana

Benefits: It expands your chest and shoulders, stretches your wrist and hip flexor muscles, and strengthens your shoulder blade muscles. It helps fight low back pain and also helps cure asthma and other respiratory ailments.

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Image Source: Yoginisam

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4. The Supported Heart Opener Pose — Supta Baddha Konasana

Benefits: It helps stimulate your heart and improves blood circulation. It also relieves the symptoms of depression, stress, and panic attacks and works wonders for soothing menstrual discomfort and digestive ailments.

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Image Source: Hair Extensions

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5. The Camel Pose — Ustrasana

Benefits: Apart from helping you get rid of that stubborn thigh fat, it helps open up the hips, expanding the abdominal region and improving digestion. It also releases tension in the ovaries and cures constipation.

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Image Source: Art Of Living

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6. The Standing Forward Bend Pose — Uttanasana

Benefits: It reduces stress, anxiety and depression, and keeps your spine strong. It eases the symptoms of insomnia, headaches, asthma, and menopause. It’s considered to be therapeutic for infertility, osteoporosis, and sinusitis.

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Image Source: Alannak

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7. The Revolved Head To Knee Pose — Parivritta Janu-Sirsana

Benefits: It stretches your spine, shoulders, and hamstrings, stimulating abdominal organs like liver and kidneys. It also helps improve digestion and helps fight backaches, anxiety, fatigue, and depression.

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Image Source: Kreg Weiss

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8. The Cow Face Pose — Gomukhasana

Benefits: It helps stretch your hips, thighs, ankles, chest, and shoulders, and stimulates your kidneys. Your pelvic and reproductive organs get toned as you practice this pose.

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Image Source: Satya Live Yoga

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