8 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Go On A Solo Trip At Least Once


Travelling always turns out to be an enriching experience and it’s all the more memorable when done alone. If you’re a woman who has always had the plans of travelling alone or if the thought of being all by yourself scares the daylights out of you; all you need is to go on a solo trip.

Apart from turning out to be the biggest adventure of your life, travelling alone can be a great learning experience as well. Here are some reasons all women should travel solo, at least once:

1. You get to see your adventurous side.

Even if you like to live an entirely planned life, you need to experience and unveil the adventurous side of you. Travelling solo gives you the perfect opportunity to do that. Go out there, in an unknown world and make way for yourself. This trip could turn out to be the best adventure of your life.

2. You learn to talk to strangers without inhibitions.

With so many women safety issues going on currently, it’s quite natural for women not to trust strangers easily. While that’s good in one way, it could also mean that you’re losing out on something. When you go on a solo trip, you need to talk to total strangers about directions, good places to eat and other stuff. That helps you overcome the fear of strangers.

3. You get to make your own plans without any interference.

Consider this scenario — you have an excellent plan in mind; to try something new or something you love doing. But you don’t get to do it because your friends want to do something else instead. This happens quite often, doesn’t it? But when you’re on a solo trip, there’s no external interference with your plans. You have the complete freedom to do whatever you want.

woman solo trip
Image Source: Matador Network

4. You learn to spend on random things.

Women usually think a lot before actually spending on things. They have this habit of calculating and buying only what’s actually needed. However, on a solo trip, you get the chance to let go of this habit. You learn to spend on random things, trying out new eating joints, buying souvenirs and lots of other things to make your trip a memorable one.

5. You get to overcome your fears.

Travelling alone also helps you overcome various fears. It could be the fear of being all by yourself, fear of having no one to talk to, fear of spending too much or the fear of a strange place. Once you take a trip alone, you no longer feel threatened by these things.

6. You get a chance to discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Being all by yourself is the perfect opportunity for you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. If you’re an introvert, you learn to strike a conversation with a total stranger to get information on various things. Believe it or not, a solo trip can help alter the type of person you are. It helps you peek into your weak points and work on them accordingly.

7. You experience total freedom.

What can be more liberating than getting to experience a sense of total freedom? With no one around to boss you or influence your plans, you feel free. You get to decide where to eat, which place to visit next and everything else, with no one to offer their expert opinion.

woman solo trip
Image Source: Travel Start

8. You gain a sense of independence.

You feel independent — both financially and emotionally. You don’t have to depend on anyone else for anything. You get to do whatever you want to, with no one to question your choices or change your mind. It’s essential to experience this sense of independence at least once in your life.