The Unusuals Guide To Urban Safety For Women In India


Women safety has always been an issue in India. Although according to statistics New Delhi is considered to be the most unsafe city for women in India, other cities are not any better. The violence against women might be low in other cities, but it still exists. No town in India can be considered safe for women to roam around freely at any time of the day, wearing whatever they wish to.

The worst part of such cases is that women are always blamed for being harassed. Instead of trying to find the real reasons behind such problems and curbing them, we find it too convenient to put the blame on the girl who suffers from trauma. Sometimes we blame her sense of dressing, at times her friendliness with strangers; whatever be the case, we blame only the girls.

In such a worrisome environment, it’s always better to be prepared now than be sorry later. So, here are ten safety tips women in India should follow:

1. Learn to use your elbows and kicks.

If used right, your elbows and kicks can help you fight a possible molester. Even if you’re not trained in martial arts, you should know that your greatest strength lies in your elbows and kicks. It’s all about kicking the right place with the right force at the right time.

2. Always stay in touch with your friends or family.

Always charge your phone before leaving home. No matter where you’re, you should be in constant touch with your friends or family. If you smell something fishy, quickly call the numbers on speed dial or send your current location as fast as you possibly can.

3. Avoid taking dark streets at night.

Although this goes without saying — avoid walking alone in dark streets and creepy roads at night. These places are the most common hunting grounds for possible predators. With no one around to help you, they get the perfect opportunity to attack. Don’t let a short cut cost you; take the longer route if it’s well-lit and crowded.

guide to urban safety for women
Image Source: Photocircle

4. Learn the golden rule of defence — alertness.

Being alert can save your life. If you’re walking alone, beware of who’s walking behind you instead of plugging in your headphones and listening to loud music without any awareness of your surroundings. Always maintain a safe distance from parked vehicles, especially if they appear to be suspicious.

5. Never let any random person get into your cab or auto.

No matter how much someone insists, don’t let them share your cab or auto. If some random man enters your cab or auto, immediately jump off. Many unfortunate incidents have occurred in cabs, making it all the more important to be alert while travelling alone.

6. Know your routes well.

Don’t rely on the driver’s route; always know which road he’s taking. If you don’t remember the route, use GPS, but don’t be clueless. When the driver realizes that you’ve no idea of the roads, it gives him the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the whole situation.

7. Watch what you post online.

Cyber safety is an important part of women safety. Before posting anything online, check for possible clues that could lead to invasion of your privacy. Never post any personal information, like your mobile number or address, online. Also, never make the mistake of sharing your passwords with anyone.

8. Carry some safety tools.

Always carry something that can help prevent an attack. In a dangerous situation, your presence of mind has the power to save you. Either carry a pepper spray with you or use your deodorant bottle or umbrella to hit your attacker and defend yourself. If you wear rings and bangles, a solid punch in the face is enough to bruise the attacker and run away.

guide to urban safety for women
Image Source: India Today

9. Know when not to be sympathetic.

Women tend to be highly sympathetic towards others, even strangers. But sometimes, showing sympathy can prove to be the biggest mistake of your life. Never believe the words of a stranger, even if it’s a woman or a child. They could be members of a gang looking to harm you and steal from you.

10. Be prepared to run.

In the case of a suspicious situation, always be prepared to run. It should come naturally to you, like your first instinct as soon as you feel someone is going to attack you. Run as fast as you can even if you’ve to leave something valuable behind. In situations like these, always remember that your life is more valuable than anything else.