A Woman’s Guide To Managing Stress



Stress is a symptom of the modern lifestyle. Hectic schedules, endless responsibilities, professional and relationship conflicts – there are just too many reasons why stress has become a part of our lives. It seems like an unavoidable disease with no easy cure. For the modern day woman, this problem can be even more harmful because they are often tied with too many expectations and responsibilities — some from society, and some, from themselves.

With the number of roles that they play in an everyday basis — mother, daughter, wife, friend, caretaker and so on — the stress to be good enough in those roles also starts building up. It’s too ideal a case to eliminate stress entirely, so here are a few ways to manage it efficiently.

1. Stop trying to be a superwoman.

You may not know it but the truth is that you have been raised to become a superwoman. Which is to say, you have been raised to take all the responsibilities, meet everyone’s expectations and have things under your control. So when things don’t go according to your plans, you feel inadequate and worthless, which further leads to stress.

You need to understand that you’re not a superwoman. You’re a human being with flaws like everyone else, and it’s completely okay when things are not perfect or under your control. You need to ease up and accept the fact that you can’t do everything. You need stop being a superwoman.

2. Take breaks.

Yes, it’s true that you have so many tasks to do in a day. You have to wake up early, prepare breakfast, make your to-do list, schedule meetings — it’s a huge list of tasks. Most women also have the responsibility of cooking food not just for themselves but also for the entire family. Women who are married have to even take care of the kids along with their work.

Obviously, this adds up to a lot of stress.

As a woman you have to care about yourself as well. You may do the duties that you feel responsible for but that shouldn’t lead to self-negligence. You need to take plenty of breaks. You need to take some time off from work to do something you love. During this break time you can read the books that you always wanted to read or watch movies you always wanted to watch.

These breaks will give you ample of time to relax and connect with yourself.

3. Be mindful of your emotions.

Women are naturally emotional beings. They don’t hold their feelings inside and use their logic when things turn ugly. They emote openly without inhibitions. They cry while watching a depressive scene in a film. They get angry when people act irresponsibly. Don’t get us wrong here. We’re not saying it’s faulty to be expressive.

The problem comes when these emotions are not rationalized, which then later leads to stress and anxiety.

The need for women is to be mindful of their emotions. If you’re angry, for instance, don’t hold the anger back and try to move on. Instead, become curious about it. Ask, “why am I getting so angry?”, “Is there a better way to express my feelings?”

Being mindful can help you take control of your emotions, and therefore, avoid any possibility of stress.
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Image Source: The Vagenda

4. Practice yoga.

Yoga is one of the best cures for the modern day problems — not only physical, but mental and emotional as well. Your everyday routine may seem very tightly packed with many tasks. But if you care about your mind, body, and spirit, it’s important to make time for practicing yoga.

Yoga is a great stress-buster. Through intense movements of body, this ancient form of exercise can help you release toxic energies from your mind and body and therefore, help you forge a deep connection with yourself. No matter how much stress you get because of your work, yoga can put you in state of relaxation.

5. Do something creative.

You can probably recollect the days when you used to sing, dance and draw on an everyday basis. The days when you actively participated in extracurricular activities in school and won prizes and praises for being creative. But sadly, these days you hardly do anything that you used to back then.

Most of your time is spent working these days, right?

Stress is the result of this non-stop work. You may be busy but if you don’t take time to do something you love, there is no way you can experience peace and happiness.

Take singing classes on weekends, for instance, if you’re too busy during the weekdays. The important thing is to make time to do things you love in order restore peace in times of stress.