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Best Home Remedies for Hair-Growth

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Almost every girl dreams of having long, luscious hair. But growing your hair to the desired length takes a long time and often leads to unmanageable and unkempt hair. Owing to the stressful and hectic lives that most of us lead these days, hair care often takes a backseat and that tends to reflect badly on your tresses.

Here are a few ways to accelerate your hair growth and keep them shining, always.


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It is no secret that oiling is one of the best ways to promote hair growth and it also keeps the hair shiny and the scalp nourished. A weekly indulgence in a nice oil massage will keep the scalp nourished and help in hair growth. You can also follow up the oil massage with hair steaming (hair spa). A concoction of coconut oil and curry leaves is also regarded good for the hair.


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You can easily purchase a hair mask at a store near you or make your hair mask at home. You can make your own blends with fruits like Papaya or Banana and mix it up with curd, egg or honey. A hair mask if applied regularly not only cleanses out the scalp but it also helps in hair growth.


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A healthy and sumptuous diet is the secret to long, thick and healthy hair. To get those thick, shiny tresses consume fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables and drink ample amount of water. Having a protein rich diet induces hair growth. You can also include dry fruits like walnuts and almonds in your daily meals.


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Just as we protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun, it is equally important to cover your hair when stepping under the harsh heat of the sun. When going out, cover your hair using an umbrella or a scarf or a hat. Also, minimize the use of heating rods or blow dryers as they tend to damage the hair and leave the hair looking dull and lifeless.


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It may not be the best smelling option but surely is an effective one. Onion juice contains sulphur that boosts collagen production in the tissues that ultimately result in the growth of hair.

To promote hair growth, it is advised to keep your hair tied most of the time especially at night, while sleeping. But don’t tie them too tight or that may lead to breakage or a headache for you. Give your hair some time to breathe during the day.

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