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Don’t Let Your Hair Lost Their Shine in Holi: Follow These Hair Care Tips

Holi- the spring festival of colors is around the corner and you should get prepared for it. Holi is the exuberant festive of colors which include lots of fun and frolic with friends and family. However, you cannot deny the fact that after all the fun hair-damage is the common issue that everyone faces. So, be prepared in advance, and don’t let Holi colors damage your hair.

We have listed some pre-Holi hair care tips for you below. So, get your white kurta on and enjoy the festival.

Have a glance over Holi Hair Care Tips:-

Layer With Oil

Oiling your hair twice a week is mostly recommended, as it maintains the texture and shine of your hair. Oiling is not only good for the health of your hair but it also protects from the harsh sunlight and repairs all the damage. Hence, Holi is an outdoor activity and color can damage your hair, so cover your hair with a layer of oil. It won’t let the colors sit on your hair as well as on the scalp.

Cover Your Tresses

Minimum contact of colors with your hair can reduce the damage. So, tie your hair in a bun or ponytail this will minimize the contact of harmful colors. If possible, cover your hair with a scarf or a shower cap. You can make a braid as well because this will also cover a lot of your tresses.

Give A Nice Wash

Right after the Holi party when you are back home and all drenched in colors, don’t waste time or just sleep without having a nice bath before. Wash your hair twice with the shampoo and then apply a mask or conditioner to lock the moisture. You can re-apply the mask after 2-3 days to treat the damage properly.

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