We are seeing one of the largest lockdown in India and all of us are asked to follow social distancing. As an Indian citizen as well as a human being, it’s our responsibility to follow few do’s and don’ts during this lockdown. As per the Government, WHO and Doctors worldwide, the only way we can break this chain of Coronavirus is through following social distancing and hence staying at home. So here are few do’s & don’ts we all should follow for a better tomorrow.
Do’s During Lockdown
- Maintain Hygiene and Cleanliness: One of the ways we can reduce the chances of getting infected is through washing hands. Especially when you touch any door handle, delivery package, staircase railing, etc. Also, it is important to clean your house on a regular basis and disinfect floor, doorknob, staircase railings, etc.
- Wear a Mask: You must wear a mask if you must step out of the house. Even if you are going just a few meters to collect your delivery package. If you are not able to buy a mask online, you can make one at home.
- Eat Healthy: Eating healthy food is a must during this time. Include vegetables, fruits and grains in your diet. Falling sick will lead to visiting doctors at the hospital, which is not safe and suggestable at this moment.
- Stay Active: Another way to stay fit and active during this time is by doing a regular workout at home. As you can’t go to the gym now, do exercises and yoga that is possible at home. Workout also helps to keep you in a positive zone. Currently when the outside world is chaos, mental health also equally important as physical health.
- Stay Connected, Be Happy: Connect with your friends and family through video calling or usual calling. Do all the activities that make you happy, however, do not go out. Online shopping for women is one of the options, you can also try gardening, cleaning and renovating your house, reading books, etc.
Don’ts During Lockdown:
- Don’t Socialize: Do not go out to meet family and friends even if they stay nearby. Staying home is the only way to stay safe now. Social distancing must be followed religiously by all of us.
- Don’t Panic: The news and updates on social media can be scary, however, do not panic. As that will lead to physical and mental health issues. We should remember that this pandemic will end soon.
- Don’t Spread Rumours: Check the source of the news you are forwarding to your friends and family before pressing the send button. There is unverified and false news available in social media that create panic and negativity.
- Don’t Waste Food & Water: Please don’t waste food and water and use them properly as per your need. You have to go out to buy these essentials if you are out of stock and going out of the house is not suggestible at all.
- Don’t overstock: Stock food and other essentials wisely, only as per your need. You overstock these essentials that might result in no food for someone. The essentials will be available during the lockdown and you can get it delivered at your doorsteps as well.