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Get Rid of Dark Circles Without Spending a Dime

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There are many causes of dark circles ranging from stress to improper sleep patterns to age factor to seasonal allergies etc. The good news is that have a remedy for them without spending a dime. Here are a few home remedies to scare away those dark circles:

Vegetable Peels And Juices

One of the best ways to get rid of bags under your eyes or those scary dark circles is using vegetable peels and juices. Many of you may be surprised to know that applying raw potato is an excellent method of getting rid of dark circles. You can potato juice after cooling it or placing cut pieces of the potato under your eyes. Applying tomato juice and cucumber juice is also helpful in this regard. The best part is that these things are readily available at home and you won’t have to step outside the comfort of your home or spend an extra penny.

Drink Plenty Of Water

It’s water to the rescue once again. Undoubtedly, water is the remedy to all your skin woes. Having adequate quantity of water will surely drive those dark circles far far away. So, make sure you keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

Sleeping Pattern

Your sleep and sleeping pattern has a very important role to play in your overall appearance and well-being. Staying up late at night, using cell phones or laptops for a long time not only tires out your eyes but also leads to dark circles. Make sure you go to sleep at a reasonable hour at night if you want to get rid of those dark circles.

Almond Oil

A completely natural ingredient, almond oil is a great way to treat your dark circles. The almond oil is to be gently massaged onto the dark circles and kept overnight. It is suitable for all skin types. Use regularly to get quick and best results.

Green Tea Bags

Even a used green tea bag can come to your rescue when dealing with dark circles. Not many would be aware of this but a green tea bag can be used as an effective method to get rid of dark circles. All you have to do is keep the used tea bag in your refrigerator until it is very cold and then place it under your eyes to free them of dark circles.

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