With the mercury rising constantly, it’s nearly impossible to tolerate the scorching heat of the sun. Stepping out during the day means coming back with sweat and rashes. Since there are a lot of sunscreens available in the market, you can protect your skin from sunburn. But we don’t much pay attention to another part of our body that’s always exposed to the harmful rays of the sun, our hair.
Here are eight tips to keep your hair cool this summer:
1. Oil your hair frequently.
Your scalp tends to get dry and itchy due to heat. That’s why it’s essential to massage it frequently with oils rich in cooling agents like aloe vera and mint. Apart from keeping your hair cool, oiling also helps in preventing dryness, and so keeps dandruff away. It also helps get rid of that irritating smell that comes from sweating.
Image Source: Nature To Nature
2. Change your shampoo.
You need to change your shampoo to something that’s rich in natural coolants like tea tree oil and menthol. These coolants also help keep your scalp dandruff-free and cleanse most of the bacteria that get accumulated due to excessive sweating. If these summer-specific shampoos suit you well, you can continue using them throughout the year as well.
Image Source: The Fabzilla
3. Cover your hair before stepping out.
If your hair comes in direct contact with sunlight, it’s bound to get damaged. Since you can’t avoid stepping out of your house, you just need to ensure that your hair is always covered when you’re out in the sun. Wrap a scarf around your hair, carry an umbrella, or wear a hat — whatever you do, just prevent direct exposure to sunlight. It’ll also protect your hair from pollution, preventing excessive breakage and hair loss.
Image Source: The Champa Tree
4. Wash your hair frequently.
Since summers cause a lot of sweating and accumulation of bacteria that can block the pores of your scalp, preventing healthy hair growth and resulting in a bad smell, it’s essential to increase the frequency of hair wash. Due to the heat, your scalp needs to be washed more than usual. Shampoo your hair every alternate day or thereabouts, depending on the need.
Image Source: Teen Gazette
5. Use a silk pillow case.
Although cotton pillow cases are quite popular, switching to silk pillow cases can help prevent a lot of unnecessary friction between your hair strands and the pillow case, and as a result, prevent the generation of excess heat. This heat not only makes you feel uncomfortable — making you sweat more than usual, it also leads to unnecessary hair fall.
Image Source: Silk Pillow Cases
6. Use aromatherapy oils.
Apply drops of aromatherapy oils like lavender and tea tree to your hairline and wrists before going off to sleep. Apart from keeping your scalp and hair cool, these essential oils also help you sleep better due to their aromatic properties. If you’ve been experiencing a lack of sleep lately, you must try these oils.
Image Source: Aqua 4 Balance
7. Avoid using shower caps.
Although shower caps help save your hair from water when you don’t want to wash it, using shower caps in summer traps a lot of heat, resulting in sweaty hair. To protect your hair from water, try using a cotton towel or an old cotton t-shirt instead of using a plastic shower cap.
Image Source: Beauty Hack Idea
8. Avoid using hair dryers.
Even if hair dryers form an important part of your daily hairstyling ritual, you need to stop using them in summers. They just make your scalp dryer and increase the heat content for no reason, leading to a lot of sweating. Make a change to your hairstyling routines and give up the blow dryers during the summer season.
Image Source: Wikihow