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How To Overcome Workplace Stress

reduce workplace stress

In today’s times, the level of workplace stress being experienced by the average professional is off the roof. Frankly, there’s not much anyone can do about being stressed out at work — it’s bound to happen one way or another. But what can certainly change is the amount of stress we take upon ourselves. Manage your workplace stress better with these ten pointers:

1. Eat well, sleep well. You must not compromise on the quality of the basic necessities, food and sleep, in your life. Eat proper meals every day and sleep for 7-8 hours every night. This will keep your body ready to fight off stress.

2. Take responsibility for things that are within your control. In life, certain things are within our control, and certain other things that aren’t. We get stressed out because we break our heads over the latter. Stay sane by focusing on the former.

3. Meditate daily. Don’t think of meditation as a deep, spiritual practice. At the end of the day, if you close your eyes for five minutes and focus on your breath, you’re meditating. Just be with yourself and focus internally — that’s more than enough.

Image Source: Remedy Spot

4. Identify distractions and park them far away. Everyone gets distracted by different things. Maybe you chat on Whatsapp all day, maybe you can’t stop watching funny videos. Whatever your distraction is, identify it and keep it away.

5. Identify your priorities and focus your energy towards them. From a list of things to do, prioritize the ones that need to be completed first and finish them all off. This will make you feel accomplished every day and minimize stress levels.

6. Do one thing at a time. A bane of the modern times is that everyone inevitably multitasks. Texting on the phone, checking Facebook, preparing for a meeting, and creating a report all together is bound to produce haphazard results.

Image Source: Pixabay

7. Look at things the way they are, not how they seem. Stress often piles up on us because we get carried away by our stories — our subjective evaluation of things. If you can simply focus on the facts, life will seem much less daunting and stressful.

8. Set clear boundaries for your day. What time are you going to come to the office? What time are you going to leave? How many breaks will you take? Set boundaries for things like these so that you can plan out your day for your betterment.

9. Take time out to do what you love. Always make time for doing things you love. If you’ll keep living life on others’ terms — doing what they tell you to do, how will you feel excited about living your life? Cut out stress by working less, playing more.

10. Limit your consumption. We consume information of all kinds, all day, every day. This information overload is a major cause for distraction and stress. Forget the memes and gifs; they’re not necessary for your life. Cut them away.

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