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How To Take Care of Your Hair This Summer

Summers can be really harsh on your tresses leading to dryness and damage. This happens because the heat tends to suck up all the moisture from your hair leaving them looking limp and lifeless. You need to be more cautious in summers towards your hair care.

1. Tie your hair, but keep it loose.

It’s important that your hair is least exposed to the sun, so we suggest tying your hair with cool braids and buns this summer. However, make sure they are not tied too tight as it may lead to stretching of hair, resulting in further wear and tear.

2. Cover your head.

It is advised to keep your head covered in summer to avoid the heat .You could use scarves to cover your head or simply use an umbrella while stepping out in the sun.

3. Reduce you shampooing frequency.

You might feel the need to wash your hair daily in summers, but it leads to the loss of natural oil from the scalp. Also, while you shampoo, make sure you use it on the scalp rather than the length of your hair.

4. Condition your hair.

It’s important to retain moisture in your hair to make them look healthy and bouncy. Condition them post shampoo and apply the conditioner to the length and not your scalp. You can run a wide-toothed comb through your hair. Also, apply some DIY masks once a week with natural ingredients like yogurt, honey and egg.

5. Increase liquid intake.

High liquid intake, especially of water, should be there in summers as you lose water and salts while sweating. Water is an essential ingredient for good skin and hair. You should also include fruit juices and fruits with high water content like watermelon in your diet.

6. Avoid heat.

Try and minimise the use of blow dryers, curling rods and flat irons as they make the hair dry. Let your hair dry out naturally, just towel dry them. As suggested earlier, try some fun hairstyles and give the straight hair a rest.

7. Chop them.

You might have split edges and dry ends during summers, it’s best to go for regular trims as the hair looks healthier post a cut. You could also decide to chop off your hair for an altogether new look.

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