Cleaning the closet is the last chore I ever want to do. It’s boring and tiring, but we are giving you 6 easy steps to clean up the mess.
1. Parting Ways
The easiest way to clean your closet is to say bye to the clothes you haven’t worn since 2 seasons. There is a high possibility that you won’t wear them again and are just clinging to them unnecessarily.
2. Season’s Call
You should try and keep clothes for different seasons separately. Let the current season’s clothes fill up your closet and pack away the rest.
3. Hang Them Up
Try and hang your shirts, tops and trousers on hangers as it leaves more space on the shelves and it makes it easier for you to pick your outfit. Also, these colorful hangers glam up your cupboard.
4. Side Hooks
You can utilize the cupboard doors to hang your belts, accessories, scarves, sling bags among others. They are easy to locate and your cupboard will be much neater.
5. Compartmentalise
Make separate compartments for your socks, lingerie, watches, makeup and see how organised your closet will be. There are plenty of drawer dividers and organizers available in the market to choose from.
6. Eye Contact
It’s best to keep everyday things at an easily accessible level, otherwise you will struggle to find what you need and in turn will mess it up again.