The Struggles A Women From A Small Town Living In A Big City Can Understand


small town woman

Moving from a small town to a metropolitan city is a challenging transition for many women to make. While some experiences are fascinating in this journey, there are also many bizarre and uncomfortable things that women from small towns experience in big cities.

Here are seven struggles that women from small towns face in big cities.

1. Busy life

Moving from a small town means there’s this sudden transition from a quiet and calm environment to a really loud and noisy place. Women from small towns realize that they’re caught up in something or the other and always busy.

2. The culture shock of dating

Many small town women get shocked by witnessing the dating scene in cities. When they come from their towns — where the word ‘dating’ itself doesn’t exist — the idea of seeing and implementing it is frightening to most of them. This puts them in an uncomfortable position as they find it very hard to relate to what they’re seeing.

3. Inexperience in using technology

Small town women are not used to technology. They are used to getting things done by using their own minds and interacting with people. They never depended on technology in their towns. This sudden dependence on technology after making the transition from a small town to a big city makes them feel worthless and inadequate.

4. Feeling socially anxious

There’s no social life in small towns. They are no multiplexes or pubs to meet new people and interact with them. In a city, however, things are different. Even when you don’t want, sometimes, you’re forced to step out and meet new people to make friends. Women from small towns become socially anxious because of this.

5. Dealing with money-related problems

People living in cities have a craze for money and know how it works. They know when to invest, where to save and how to earn. Getting jobs is also not difficult for them. However, women from small towns struggle with this. They are not as skilled as men to get a job easily. They struggle to earn just enough money to survive.

6. Lack of privacy

In cities, small town girls realize that people are everywhere — in streets, rooms, shops everywhere. There is never a time when they can step out and find no people. The cities are so crowded that even cafes, parks and other quiet places are filled with people. It is difficult for women from small towns to find the kind of privacy they wish.