Everyone wants to get away from the physical, mental as well as emotional turmoil of being locked in their homes for the past four months. Yet, many are confused on whether to take a break from this monotonous life schedule during the outbreak and still wondering if it is safe to travel. However, there are a few very important things to keep in mind before you hit the road for a ‘safe-vacation’ or take a flight, bus or train to either meet your loved ones or go somewhere just to unwind for a few days during this unlock period.
Given the current scenario of increasing number of COVID +ve patients across the nation as well as the restrictions put by the states, especially in north India, it is not advisable to travel. There are restrictions across the country for travel and one must apply for state-issued e-passes to cross various states in order to reach their destinations, travel is starting to increase with Unlock 1.
But in case you really want to go ahead, you could set on your trip to meet your loved ones or family or even unwind, you need to ensure that it is a safe one and must follow some simple yet critical precautions. Before you head out, check for travel restrictions and quarantine rules for your desired destination. Also check for the same by visiting various state-portals which will give you a fair idea on what is mandatory to follow. Some states require visitors to stay inside for one or two weeks upon arrival. Check online using the government’s apps and news online on the number of COVID +ve cases and hospitalizations in the area where you plan to visit. Also ensure that it is not a containment zone. Always be wary of the rate of incline or decline and other important data in that area for at least two weeks. In case you are travelling to your hometown, ensure that you have taken your own risk assessment and figure out if any friend, colleague, acquaintance or anyone that you have come in contact with previously is at risk or not. This will help you evaluate your options whether to travel and put your loved ones at potential risk or just stay put.
If you are shopping grocery, women kurta or anything online, order masks and sanitiser and carry them always with you. Remember, each one of us are responsible for ourselves and our community and we can ensure everyone’s safety by following and sticking to the guidelines.