All of us have health and fitness goals set for this year, but like all other New Year resolutions this also takes a backseat as the year goes. Most women have one common fitness goal, to lose weight. But what we don’t know is that there are two ways to lose weight, slow ways to lose weight and fast ways to lose weight. When you set your goal to lose weight, it’s mostly for short term. But as women’s body disintegrate faster that male bodies, we need to decide on long term goals in 20’s only so that it helps us later.
Healthy habits are getting huge popularity all across the globe now. We have some of the trending ones listed here for you.

Exercise, 10000 steps a day:
10000 steps in daily basis have been proved to be good for health and doctors suggest this as a daily norm. If you are not ready to join a gym, go for conventional exercises like swimming, running or something like zumba. These are basically cardio exercises which will surely help you to burn calories and lose weight.

Add Superfood in your diet:
Super foods like flax seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried plums, steel-cut oats are becoming a part of regular diet for many. These are easily available at supermarkets and popular also. However buy these products only if you will consume these on regular basis. Don’t buy them just because these are trending now. You can go for other healthy options like boiled egg, apple, avocado, olive, salmon and brown rice.
Healthy Drinking:
If you go for parties with friends or social gatherings once in a week, try to avoid alcohol and other aerated drinks. Try healthy cocktails or fruit juices and even if you consuming alcohol ensure it’s not crossing health limits. The entire week’s diet and workout should not go to waste right?

Avoid Sugar:
If you can avoid sugar and sweets, you will eliminate a lot of calories with fat and refined starches too. Also avoid food like cake or biscuits which has fat and refines starches as it contains flour, fat and sugar.

Wellness Retreat:
If all of us are moving towards healthy living then why not healthy holidays, right? Go for wellness spa holidays to be in complete solace with you. Plan on going for a yoga retreats in the mountains or go to pure wellness centers that is built amidst nature for detox. This will help you to bring discipline to your life.