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What Happens When You Don’t Moisturise Your Face

no moisturiser

It’s 1 am and you’re beyond tired after a long day at work. You barely manage to get most of your makeup out before your resolve breaks and you crash into your bed without moisturizing your skin. If you relate to this, or if you’re just too lazy to slather on some moisturizer every time you cleanse your skin, then this is for you. The dermatologists didn’t lie, moisturizing is essential and here’s what happens when you deprive your skin of it.

1. Wrinkles, And More Wrinkles

Image Source: Amoils

When your skin is dried out, chronic inflammation occurs. This leads to a breakdown of collagen and accelerated ageing, not to mention the wrinkles you already have will look even worse. Minor imperfections get even more noticeable on dry skin especially when muscles crease your skin. Water’s weak magnetic attraction keeps collagen at bay, thus helping in avoiding wrinkles. Use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid to keep them at bay.

2. Flaky Skin

While this is obvious, it’s also the most ignored effect of no moisture on your face. Not moisturizing will slowly dry your skin out and make it look flaky. This will only get worse in the winter. In fact, if you run a nail across dry skin, you’ll end up scratching it easily since you’re rapidly losing water. What’s worse is that these scratches could be permanent.

3. Flaky Make Up

Concealers love clinging on to dry skin. When you have lines on your face, your make up will look flaky and dry much like your lips would if you put lipstick on dry lips. Moisturizee five minutes before you dab that foundation on for a smoother finish.

4. Dull and Itchy Skin

Dry skin is irritable and itchy. This is quite like the feeling you have after a long hot shower when your face feels tight. Healthy skin retains moisture and glows. Lack of it is bound to show up on your skin, making it look dull (and as the tagline goes) and lifeless.

5. Acne Menace

Image Source: Miami Obgyns

If your skin is quenched, it will make up for it by producing oil thus causing acne. Dry skin also makes it easy for bacteria to invade it, making existing acne worse. This will also keep your scars persistent and sometimes, permanent. Isn’t it much simpler to moisturize than to deal with the complexities of adult acne?

6. No Protection

Skin care ingredients like retinoids, salicyclic acid, and benzoyl peroxide tend to dry out skin. If you don’t follow up with a moisturizer, you will have red, blotchy skin. A breeze could send millions of skin particles flying away if you don’t moisturize. Your skin gets more vulnerable to forces that it should otherwise be able to shield itself against.

7. Cracks and Bleeding

Dry skin begins to harden, crack and then bleed. It can get extremely hard to damage-control, once the skin is damaged, so if you notice that you’re veering into that zone, grab a moisturizer and moisturize!

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