Why Every Woman Should Start Blogging



Blogging regularly is somewhat similar to writing a journal every day. The only difference is that you share your blogs openly with people. Through blogging, you express yourself and make your opinions known on various subjects. The benefits of blogging are many.

Here are seven reasons every woman should start blogging:

1. To share your knowledge with the world

Blogs are a terrific platform to help you share your knowledge on different topics. You may be an expert at cooking, knowing some of the most ingenious hacks to cook better, or you may be a genius at coding, knowing several programming languages inside-out. You can share this knowledge with other people through the act of blogging.

2. To feel better after feeling low

If you’re sad or upset, and your best friend is too busy to answer your calls, blogging can be your savior. Even if you don’t want to share your emotional rant with anyone, you could use the magic of words to transform it into a compelling story and share it on your blog. As people respond to your stories, you’ll start to feel much better.

3. To connect with like-minded people

Blogging is a great way to connect with like-minded people. Using the right tags and meta tags, you get to interact with individuals who are more or less like you. You share some common interests and a lot of knowledge which is an added advantage over the fact that you get to make some new friends.

4. To become famous

Blogging also allows you to become famous. As you go on publishing more and more articles on particular subjects, people start treating you like an influencer and look forward to more of your articles and sharing whatever they read with their friends. The appreciation you receive pumps up your confidence and lifts your self-esteem.

5. To develop your writing skills

Blogging is all about writing, which is an important skill in today’s world. Every time you write something new, you also learn something new on a subject. After having written a few articles, you’ll observe a change in your writing tone and style. You would’ve become a better writer in time.

why every woman should blog
Image Source: Pexels

6. To earn money

After you establish yourself as a great blogger and market yourself well, the chances of brands approaching you to write sponsored stuff for them increases significantly. What can be better than making money out of doing something you absolutely love and enjoy?

7. To develop self-discipline

Once you start showing up every day, you start writing on a regular basis. When you really enjoy writing, you ensure to make time for your blogs every day, without fail. You plan your day in such a way that you have ample time blogging. It helps develop self-discipline and teaches you the value of planning and time management.