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Why Fitness is Crucial to Leading a Happy Life

regular exercise

We’ve heard it all before, motivational quotes pushing you to opt for a smoothie over a fizzy drink. We’ve seen it all before, toned men and women smiling wide as they do lunges after lunges. We’ve all been jealous of fit people and desired perfect bodies even while binging on a bag of chips. Well, as much as we’d like to feed the lazy part of ourselves and snort at exercise regimes, here are a few reasons that go on to show why fitness is essential to a happier you. Trust us on this one.

1. Goodbye Sickness

Keeping fit boosts HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol decreases unhealthy triglycerides that keep heart diseases at bay. Regular exercise keeps your immunity levels high which not only means no common colds each time the weather changes, but also lesser risks of arthritis, stroke, type 2 diabetes and more.

2. Hello Long Life

Image Source: Huffington Post

It isn’t just about the abs that you can manage to get from those crunch-sets, or the beach body that you can achieve from that summer workout DVD, exercise keeps you fit and hearty for long. It helps you quit smoking and battle cravings. You’ll be paying more attention to your health as you get older and you’ll notice how you’re better off than most other people simply because you’ve invested time in taking care of your body.

3. Like What You See In The Mirror

Exercising regulates your weight and keeps your stamina going. This means you won’t be huffing and puffing after a day out with your dog, even at 40! When you hit those goals at the gym or finish that 30 day eating healthy, your self-belief is boosted and you’re bound to be proud of yourself. Plus you get stronger and won’t feel like your hands are going to fall off after lugging things up several flights of stairs. If that doesn’t pick up your self-confidence, then nothing else will.

4. Stay Disciplined

Not only does a fit life improve your willpower (no, put that cupcake down) but also instills a sense of discipline in you. This discipline will translate in your work life and personal relationships as well and will sort your life out; not to mention your schedule and most importantly, your sleep cycles!

5. Feel So High (And Happy)

Physical activity stimulates chemicals in your brain that keep you feeling happy and relaxed. Whether it’s a jog in the park or just choosing to opt for the stairs instead of the lift, exercising and eating right makes your body feel healthy and light instantly perking up your mood. Besides, exercising can be a way to socialize, do something fun with your friends, or simply unwind after a tiring day.

6. Boost To Your Energy Levels

With regular exercise picking up your strength and endurance, household chores after a long day at work or school are a piece of cake (pun intended). Physical activity keeps your cardiovascular system healthy and going which means your heart and lungs are at their efficient best.

7. Looking Good, There!

Image Source: Livvyland

Who doesn’t like looking fit and toned? Staying healthy helps improve your skin and your mental health. All those hours in the gym pay off when your sweat and tears are appreciated at a party when your crush walks up to you and goes ‘Damn, what happened to you?!’ If you take care of your body, it shows.

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