Why We Need More Women Leaders In Today’s World



“A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies, and men ran half our homes.”

– Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer, Facebook


In most professional spaces, we see men in much larger numbers than women. Though there are some successful women around us, the ratio of men-women successful leaders prove that there simply aren’t enough women leaders around.

Sure, women leaders are on the rise, but the challenges they face are still aplenty. Many successful women opt out of their journeys because they aren’t able to strike a balance between their family and career. After a point, they’re compelled to choose one over the other, and society expects them to choose family.

What’s happening, as a result, is that women aren’t able to fulfill their professional potential because of society’s expectations. And the professional world is missing out on what women can bring to the table as leaders.

It’s imperative, therefore, that we get more women leaders on board. Here are more reasons.

1. Women communicate clearly.

Women usually express themselves with clarity and with the big picture in mind. This is necessary for today’s organizations, as their growth curve often runs parallel to how well they communicate at the workplace. Women who can speak and write well add outstanding value to this space.

2. Women are pros at multitasking.

We no longer live in a world of monotasking. Most companies today require their employees to do several things at once. Even otherwise, technology enables as well as compels us to do multiple things at the same time. In this area, women are experts. Bringing this skill to the workplace can help them do wonders.

3. Women are flexible.

Women are flexible to changing environments. They’re willing to change their stance or approach based on the space they’re in and the situation they’re faced with, as well as cope with people in a better way. This makes them highly successful in what they do.

4. Women are good at making compromises.

Women are great at making the right compromises when it’s expected of them. They’re always making sure that no avoidable disputes occur. They’re generally peaceful too, and try to conduct themselves without entering a conflict.

5. Women are practical beings.

Women are, more often than not, practical with their decisions. They’re mindful of what they’re doing at any point in time and are quite realistic in their approach to things. This helps them tackle challenges smartly and, therefore, be more successful.

6. Women pay attention to the details.

Women are always looking into the specifics or particulars of things. This naturally helps them come up with amazing results. Once you know all the little details, everything else falls into place more easily.

7. Women are quite organised.

Women tend to plan everything they do well in advance. They plan out their days and organize all their tasks before going about doing their work. They’re also pretty good at doing the work when it’s time to do it, essentially avoiding procrastination and scoring high productivity.