These lists are fun to create, aren’t they? They’re storehouses of your aspirations and a source of joy and happiness. They’re especially fun to make in your 20s, when you’re thinking hard and fast about making the most of the amazing time you’re left with before you hit 30. So if you’ve already made a personal to-do list, or still haven’t found the time to put pen to paper, we’re here to help. Here’s a list of 17 things you must do before you turn 30.
1. Live abroad. There’s a whole planet of people and places out there beyond the confines of the place we live in. It would be unfortunate if you lived your whole life not ever getting a taste of what it feels to live in a foreign country.
2. Learn a new language. Since language is the gateway to a culture, learning a new language helps you experience and soak in new customs and traditions. That’s one of the most joyous experiences you’ll have in your life.
3. Read books written by women. Because, girl power. If you dislike the deeply patriarchal and sexist mindset that pervades society, the best way to oppose it is to read, understand, and support the works of women authors.
Image Source: Why to Read
4. Do the monthly budget. In your early twenties, you may live your life from salary to salary. But that has to stop after a point. If you want to travel, buy a nice car, or buy a beautiful house, you’ll have to start budgeting every month and manage your finances.
5. Accept your body the way it is. You may be underweight, overweight, just the right weight — whatever your body shape is, accept it completely and wholeheartedly. Don’t let anyone’s bigoted notions affect you or your life in any way.
6. Volunteer for a cause. There are so many causes worth fighting for in these modern times, from environment and wildlife conservation to nuclear non-proliferation. Get to understand a cause fully and volunteer your time and effort in campaigning for it.
7. Befriend an older woman. She can teach you things no one your age or younger to you can. She can accelerate your life’s learning by 10 years, believe me.
8. Work at your dream job. How much will you wait till you find your dream job? If you’re sure about wanting to pursue a particular line of work, you should chase it up right away. Believe that things will fall in place eventually.
9. Travel solo wherever you can. Like that older woman we spoke about, travelling solo is a great teacher. You learn how to plan, to get moving when you have to, and make decisions on the fly, among other things, which accelerates your growth and maturity as a person.
Image Source: Cogxio
10. Fall in love. And we don’t mean in a sweet, sober way. Fall in love hard and fast. Jump head first into it and experience the rhythms of passionate love. It’ll be one of the most memorable times you’d have had in your life.
11. Learn how to play a musical instrument. The power and influence of music over our souls is well established. If you want to find a new mode of expression, pick up a musical instrument and play it with all your heart. Let it be your prized outlet.
12. Connect with your family. Not just father, mother, siblings, grandparents. Meet with your relatives, re-establish a connection with uncles, aunts, granduncles, and grandaunts. The number of special people in your life will multiply by the time you’re 30.
13. Get a crazy tattoo. This is another form of expression, and quite a significant one considering that you wear it on your body. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back from getting a tattoo if you want it. Find a design of your liking and get inked.
14. Attend a rock concert. Find out when your favorite band’s in town. And if they don’t come to your town, find the nearest place they’re likely to come and play. Singing aloud to their songs with them playing before you, and with thousands of other people enjoying it, is ecstasy.
Image Source: LOC
2 Responses
Forgive your parents. As you approach your 30s, you leave behind this whole play of trying to be an adult and actually start becoming one. Perhaps the first step is to forgive your parents and stop blaming them for where you are, and just become their friend.
Quite appropriate list
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