If you’re someone that has 10 different alarms for one single morning and still manages to get late to an appointment, or if you’re someone who could snap at a puppy if it disturbs your peaceful 6 am sleep, you’re far from a morning person. If you’re looking to be a chirpy, active person in the morning over a grumpy one that can’t function until there’s coffee down your system, then here are some tips for you.
1. Manage Your Sleep Patterns (And Timings)
Image Source: Pure Wow
Yes, you’ve guessed it – early to bed, early to rise. If you’ve been fraternizing with the owls until 3 am or scrolling through pages and pages of irrelevant information on social media, you need to stop. Manage your sleep patterns by giving yourself 15 minutes to complete a task each night and utilizing that time to sleep earlier, instead. You might toss and turn the first few days, but soon your body will be conditioned into believing that it needs to rest at that hour. Get up at the same time each morning and sleep at the same time each night so your sleep cycle is managed. Do not nap in the afternoons for too long, because it might ruin your night-time sleep. Nap if you have a sleep debt going on, but do so wisely.
2. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Image Source: Reader’s Digest
Join an early morning yoga class, or opt for the morning hours at the gym. Not only is it a great time to work out, but it also keeps you going through the day. This helps release toxins that negatively affect our sleep. This also means increased metabolism and energy. Regular exercise helps you eat healthy throughout the day and can help you feel worn out and tired, just enough to help you doze off early each night.
3. No Screens (And NO morning browsing)
Image Source: Reader’s Digest
Put the phone away at night to help escape the deadly clutches of social media. Browsing can ruin nighttime sleep and keep you from starting off your day early – classic procrastination. Get off of oyour bed as soon as you can so you can keep yourself from rolling around in bed and letting grogginess set in.
4. Alarm Away
Place your alarm far away from you so you’d have to physically get off of your bed to turn it off. This helps you hit that snooze button less and gets you moving. Maybe even ask a friend who’s an early riser to give you a wake-up call for a couple days until you get used to the sleep cycle.
5. Create The Right Sleep Environment
Do something calming, like reading a book or listening to some music before you sleep and make sure to dim the lights. Keep the space around you clean and uncluttered. Temperature, noise, light and comfort are all important to keep in mind as well. Also if your mattress makes your back hurt, you should upgrade.
6. Eat Right
Image Source: Pamper
The way to a good night’s sleep is through your own stomach. Grab a whole grain carb and protein breakfast to keep you going all day. Look up recipes online and if you’re too lazy to whip something up in the morning, look up overnight options and smoothies to help you prep ahead. Nobody likes a hangry person anyway.
2 Responses
Fantastic tips
Very useful
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