Your happiness is determined by your actions. The more you work towards keeping yourself happy, the happier you’ll be. To do that, you need to start with getting rid of all the negativity around you and inside your head. Instead of giving others the power to influence your happiness, you have to take charge and get rid of certain unnecessary, toxic things in your life. Here are ten things you should let go of to be happier.
1. Negative thoughts
Positive thinking is the first step you need to take towards happiness. Get rid of all the negative thoughts in your head and all the negativity in your life. Negative thoughts are powerful; don’t let them sabotage your life by allowing them to mess with your decision-making.
2. The burden of lies
If you want to be happier, stop lying. The burden of lies is enough to suck all the happiness out of your life. Although it might not be the best possible way out every time, try speaking the truth whenever you can. Lies just end up complicating the simplest of situations, and it’s difficult to live happily if you’re living a complicated life.
3. People who make you unhappy
It’s up to you to decide who are the best people to spend time with. You have to be careful in making this choice, as some individuals have the power to keep you unhappy. Make sure you stay away from such people. Being around people who influence you negatively is going to keep you trapped in a state of unhappiness.
4. Sad memories from the past
Letting go is an important part of being happy. And it’s memories that you should start with. Let go of memories that make you sad. There’s no point thinking about the past, as you can’t change it. It’s wiser, instead, to focus on your present and make the effort to making it better than staying stuck in the sad past.
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5. The urge to be perfect
Nobody can be perfect. Before pushing yourself beyond the limit, remember that you’re only human, like the rest of us. Although it’s an excellent quality to strive for perfection in your work, it’s bad to obsess about it. The state of perfection is unattainable, and you’ll only end up being unhappy in trying to achieve it.
6. The need to control everything
Give up the urge to control everything around you. Things can’t always be the way you like them to be. You need to understand that and respect others’ points of view and get rid of the need to control things. It’ll simplify your life and make you happier than you’ve been before.
7. Playing the blame game
Once something bad happens and you learn that you had a hand in it, learn to accept responsibility. Instead of blaming everyone else for what’s gone wrong, you need to learn to accept your mistakes. Making mistakes is part of human nature. So instead of spoiling your relationships with others, take responsibility and move on.
8. The urge to complain
The day you stop complaining about everything that goes wrong and start taking an initiative to bring change, you’ll become happier than before. Don’t be the one that everyone hates because of your annoying habit of complaining; be someone everyone respects for being the first to take the initiative.
9. The habit of criticizing others
Give up that habit of criticizing others. You have to begin by stop judging others. Think about yourself and what you can do to become better instead of trying to find faults in others all the time. The day you stop thinking about how everyone else could be better, you’ll start to feel happier.
10. The habit of resisting change
Change is indispensable. It’s an essential part of life. You need to embrace it instead of resisting it. Once you start accepting people and situations as they are and become more adaptive to the change around you, you’ll start experiencing the beauty of true happiness in life.
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Great article..thanks
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