How You Can Become A Morning Person Easily

sleep on time

If you’re someone that has 10 different alarms for one single morning and still manages to get late to an appointment, or if you’re someone who could snap at a puppy if it disturbs your peaceful 6 am sleep, you’re far from a morning person. If you’re looking to be a chirpy, active person in […]

Make Your Ethnic Office Wear Stand Out


Western formals at work can get boring and so can your kurtis if you don’t experiment with them. We tend to play it safe with our work-attire by opting for boring and classic shades. With work wear, there’s always a thin line with what’s acceptable and what’s not and we want you to be on […]

7 Incredibly Easy Ways To Boost Your Motivation

boost motivation

In any life journey that stretches out over a significant length of time, motivation levels rise and fall regularly. The ebb and flow is not something we can control, but what we can do is, take steps to stem the dip in motivation levels whenever it occurs. Here, we discuss 7 ways to boost your […]

How Sleeping Less Affects Your Health

lack of sleep

The prevailing mindset in the modern world is that sleeping long hours in the night is a waste of time. Sleep is treated like just another chore that ought to be finished quickly so you can move on to doing more important things in the day. To think this way is a terrible mistake. The […]

7 Apps That Will Help You Get In Shape This Summer

fitness apps

If you have the drive to get fit and the right tools to help you get there, you can get in shape without having to go to the gym. All you need is the right set of apps to guide you on your fitness journey. It’s summer now, and honestly, what better time is there […]

The Difference Between Looking Good and Feeling Good

feel good look good

Looking good and feeling good are perceived differently around the world. You may associate good looks with a well-defined face, say for instance, a prominent jaw line. You may associate it with the overall body structure. A slimmer figure is considered more attractive most places around the world. Dressing fashionably, or being trendy with your […]

A Must-Do List For Every Woman Before Turning 30

must-do under 30

These lists are fun to create, aren’t they? They’re storehouses of your aspirations and a source of joy and happiness. They’re especially fun to make in your 20s, when you’re thinking hard and fast about making the most of the amazing time you’re left with before you hit 30. So if you’ve already made a […]

Your Wardrobe Is Incomplete Without These Kurtas

w for woman

Gone are the days when Kurtis were just something you’d wear when you had to visit a temple or meet your relatives. There’s a Kurti for every occasion and you don’t have to be ‘desi’ to fall in love with them. In fact, when styled right, Kurtis can make one hell of a fashion statement. […]

Why You Need To Start Reading More

read more

If your reading mostly revolves around scrolling past Facebook and Twitter updates, viral articles, and an infrequent flip of the newspaper pages (online or offline), you may be losing out on what’s possibly the greatest gift to mankind, reading. Reading helps an individual grow in myriad ways and creates a mental and physical environment for […]

10 Quick and Easy Stress Busters

stress busters

Stress is a terrible affliction in this modern age. The phones keep beeping and ringing, the work pressure keeps mounting, and there are too many things to juggle on a daily basis, which doesn’t help in reducing stress in any way. Naturally, stress is all but common. But you don’t have to do anything significant […]

Why Fitness is Crucial to Leading a Happy Life

regular exercise

We’ve heard it all before, motivational quotes pushing you to opt for a smoothie over a fizzy drink. We’ve seen it all before, toned men and women smiling wide as they do lunges after lunges. We’ve all been jealous of fit people and desired perfect bodies even while binging on a bag of chips. Well, […]

8 Things To Remember When You’re Feeling Down

When you feel down and out, there’s a tendency to think that you’ll never recover. It’s just how you feel when you’re low. In these times, you should have a conversation with yourself and remember certain truths of life that you’ve forgotten at the moment. This will get you feeling better soon enough. Here are […]

10 Holiday Ideas For Every Woman In India

If you love traveling but don’t quite know what choices you have in terms of a holiday destination for this summer (or any time of the year), you’ve arrived at the right place. We’ve put together 10 holiday ideas for you that you’d absolutely love. Let’s take a look. 1. Find peace and quiet in […]

What Happens When You Don’t Moisturise Your Face

no moisturiser

It’s 1 am and you’re beyond tired after a long day at work. You barely manage to get most of your makeup out before your resolve breaks and you crash into your bed without moisturizing your skin. If you relate to this, or if you’re just too lazy to slather on some moisturizer every time […]

How To Get Rid of a Sunburn Quickly This Summer

getting rid of sunburn

With temperatures breaking all kinds of records this summer, the threat of sunburn is very real. Not only does it leave you with a nasty tan, but also red, itchy and stinging skin. If you’re suffering from sunburn or if you’re preparing for the worst in this weather, these tips can help you get rid […]

How To Overcome Workplace Stress

reduce workplace stress

In today’s times, the level of workplace stress being experienced by the average professional is off the roof. Frankly, there’s not much anyone can do about being stressed out at work — it’s bound to happen one way or another. But what can certainly change is the amount of stress we take upon ourselves. Manage […]

10 Anti-Ageing Tricks To Rewind The Clock


Blowing out the candles on your 22nd birthday for the 22nd time has got to be convincing, hasn’t it? A common ritual for most women as they get older is to go online and hunt for ways to get rid of those signs of long-past youth. Some even choose to walk through aisles and aisles […]

7 Things That Are Common To Happy Couples

As someone who’s been in a relationship for a while now, few things might matter more to you than being part of a happy couplet. In this case, learning and taking inspiration from happy couples is perhaps the best way to build a happy relationship of your own. Here, we take a look at 7 […]

7 Things That Will Make People Like You

Some people admit to wanting to be liked — quite a likable quality in itself and in stark contrast with people who say they don’t care about being liked. Who doesn’t want to be liked after all? It’s most natural, and completely harmless, no matter how it’s usually perceived. (Unless of course, you cross the […]

How Procrastination Affects Your Happiness

Procrastination is a virus that infects many of us. We push away tasks into the future somehow believing that we’ll be able to deal with them effectively then. But when the future becomes the present, we find ourselves burdened with two or three times of the work that we would’ve otherwise had, and we continue […]