VOTING RESULTS OF EGM Details of Business Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Independent Directors Composition of Various Committees of Board of Directors Code of Conduct of Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy Criteria of Making Payments to Non-Executive Directors Policy on Dealing with Related Party Transactions Policy for Determining Material' Subsidiaries Familiarization Programme Imparted to Independent Directors Email Address for Grievance Redressal and Other Relevant Details Contact Information of the Designated Persons of the Listed Entity who are Responsible for Assisting and Handling Investor Grievances Financial Information Annual Report Financial Results BM Notice Shareholding Pattern Details of Agreements Entered into with the Media Companies and/or their Associates Schedule of Analysts or Institutional Investors Meet and Presentations and Conference Script Transcripts Earnings Call Intimation Investor Meet Investors Presentation Conference Call Transcript New Name and the Old Name of the Listed for a Continuous Period of One Year, From the Date of the Last Name Change Newspaper Publication Pursuant to Regulation 47 (1) Newspaper ADV BM Intimation Newspaper ADV PB Newspaper ADV Financial Results Newspaper Adv 25th Agm Notice (PRE-DISPTACH) Newspaper Adv 25th Agm Notice(POST-DISPTACH) NEWSPAPER ADV 26TH AGM (PRE-DISPATCH) NEWSPAPER ADV 26TH AGM (POST-NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE OF EGMDISPATCH) NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE OF EGM Credit Rating Audited Financial Statements of Subsidiary Companies Secretarial Compliance Report under Regulation 24(2)A of LODR Policy for Determination of Materiality of Events or Information Disclosure of Contact Details of Key Managerial Personnel Who Are Authorized for the Purpose of Determining Materiality of An Event or Information and for the Purpose of Making Disclosures to Stock Exchange(s) Disclosures under Regulation 30(8) LODR Regulations Statements of Deviation(s) or Variation(s) as Specified In Regulation 32 of these Regulations Dividend Distribution Policy Annual Return

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We want you to know that keeping up to date with our latest fashion, style and product doesn’t mean accepting cookies that compromise your personal data. W for Woman take internet security very seriously, and have updated our Cookie Policy.

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies do not contain any recognisable personal information but are used by websites, including this one, to better understand how visitors are accessing and using their site. This information may be used to improve website usability and for marketing purposes.

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These Cookies are used to better understand how customers are using our site so we can improve and optimise to create the best possible experience for shoppers.

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We use these Cookies to find out where our customers are coming to our site from; whether through a web search or straight from one of our emails. With this information we can see which areas of our marketing are most effective and tailor our approach accordingly to make it more relevant.

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Most browsers are automatically set to accept Cookies but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. Please be aware that restricting Cookies will have a negative impact on your experience of this and many other websites. However, if you choose not to allow Cookies, you will still be able to use most of the features of our website, including the ability to purchase items.